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About Gallico

Gallico LCE is a new company set up by Christelle Thorel and Helen Watts. LCE stands for Language & Communication Experts.  Christelle and Helen have been working together in France at Alpine French School for over 10 years and both have a huge amount of experience in language training before founding Alpine French School together.

Christelle travelled around the world, became fluent in English and then trained as a French language teacher in the UK school system before returning to her native France to teach French as a foreign language.

Helen studied French at school, spent her gap year in France before studying French at University, including an Erasmus year in Grenoble. It didn’t then take long for her to return permanently to the Alps.  She worked at International House in Geneva, organising professional training for the large companies based there before returning to France to set up Lost In Translation which then grew into Alpine French School.

Christelle and Helen are passionate about languages and offering great quality language training for adults and children in an interactive, effective, communicative way.  Gallico is an extension of Alpine French School into other geographic areas, building on the professionalism and experience of Alpine French School to offer French and English courses outside of the Alpine area in France and in the UK.






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Tout au long de leur parcours dans la formation professionnelle, de nombreuses entreprises ont fait confiance à Helen et Christelle: